On 28 November 2023, St. Vincent’s Healthcare Group and UCD School of Medicine launched the St. Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre in the Kevin Barry Gallery, Charles Institute, UCD.
The St. Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre marks a collaborative effort between St. Vincent’s Healthcare Group and University College Dublin. The primary objective of this joint venture is to seamlessly integrate the world-class patient care provided at the hospital with cutting-edge research and education conducted at the university. The shared vision is to usher in a transformative era in cancer care, significantly enhancing outcomes for patients.
Speaking at the launch, Professor Michael Keane, Dean, UCD School of Medicine and Acting CEO at St. Vincent’s University Hospital commented, ‘‘The core purpose of the new Cancer Centre is to deliver optimal cancer care through a commitment to high-quality, integrated care, advanced clinical research, and, ultimately, personalised diagnosis and treatment.’’
The new St. Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre is being established against the background of the EU Cancer Plan 2021, which calls for an EU wide network of Comprehensive Cancer Centres. The European Cancer Organisation requires the EU’s Horizon programme to be aligned to comprehensive cancer centres to maximise success and benefits for patients. At a national level, the Irish National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026 recommends the establishment of comprehensive cancer centres in Ireland.
Comprehensive Cancer Centre designation by the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI), is a central goal for the St. Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre.
Dr David Fennelly, Clinical Director of St. Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre, said, “The Cancer Centre is actively engaged in the accreditation and designation program of the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI). In 2024, we anticipate a highly active period as we strive for accreditation, with a scheduled visit in October/November 2024. Our overarching aim is to achieve comprehensive cancer centre status, underscoring our commitment to providing the highest international standard of care.”
UCD President, Professor Orla Feely said “The launch of the St. Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre marks a significant milestone, symbolising a deepening of the century-and-a-half-long relationship between our esteemed institutions. This joint effort underscores our shared commitment to addressing the challenges posed by cancer in our society.’’
As well as UCD President, Professor Orla Feely attending and speaking at the important event, the other distinguished speakers were Professor Michael Keane (Dean, UCD School of Medicine, Acting CEO St. Vincent’s University Hospital), Professor Risteard O’Laoide (Director, National Cancer Control Programme), Dr David Fennelly (Clinical Director, St. Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre) and Professor Liam Gallagher (Scientific Director, St. Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre).
Guests included St. Vincent’s University Hospital, St. Vincent’s Private Hospital and UCD School of Medicine staff involved in cancer research; UCD School of Medicine Executive Committee; senior representatives from Ireland East Hospital Group, NCCP, Irish Cancer Society and St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Network and media correspondents across health and research.
L to R: Professor Michael Keane – Dean, UCD School of Medicine and Acting CEO at St Vincent’s University Hospital; Dr David Fennelly – Clinical Director of St. Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre; Professor Cecily Kelleher – UCD College Principal, College of Health and Agriculture Sciences; UCD President, Professor Orla Feely; Professor Risteard O’Laoide – Director, National Cancer Control Programme; Mr Gerry O’Brien, Group Director of Operations for St. Vincent’s Healthcare Group; Mr David Mulvin, Clinical Director St. Vincent’s University Hospital; Professor William Gallagher – Scientific Director, St Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre; Professor Helen Roche – Vice President for Research, Innovation and Impact, Director of Academic Centre – Conway Institute; Professor Patrick Murray – Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Consultant Physician, and Director of UCD Clinical Research Centre; Mr Ken Mealy, Transplant Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) Clinical Director.
Speakers L to R: Professor Michael Keane – Dean, UCD School of Medicine and Acting CEO at St Vincent’s University Hospital; Dr David Fennelly – Clinical Director of St. Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre; UCD President, Professor Orla Feely; Professor Risteard O’Laoide – Director, National Cancer Control Programme; Liam Gallagher – Scientific Director, St Vincent’s UCD Cancer Centre